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Move Mildura

 The world health organisation states that insufficient physical activity is 1 of the 10 leading risk factors for death worldwide, refer to the link below.


At Callahan Physiotherapy we were taken aback by this statistic and so with this in mind Callahan Physiotherapy and Happy Feet Podiatry Mildura teamed up and founded Move Mildura, an initiative aimed at getting inactive members of the Sunraysia community active.


With the knowledge that different people have varying thoughts, needs and desires in regards to physical activity we set about putting together a program that would suit all ages, fitness levels and personalities (see the fortnight program link below). Each recreational host donated their time, whilst participants donated a gold coin to the Movember foundations.


On this page we have put together some great resources that we came across through out the program and some info we've put together ourselves, including 4simple things you can do to live 14 years longer, enjoy.

Exercise shouldn't be a chore, it should be the most uplifting part of your day!

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